By Scott Metz
Alva High School senior Bo Stewart is a multisport athlete, playing baseball and football for the Alva Goldbugs. Most would consider Bo a veteran of both sports, having started playing baseball “since I was old enough to throw a baseball,” and began playing football in 7th grade. Bo is a utility player in baseball.
Bo has a great deal of pride when it comes representing both of his sports teams as well as his community of Alva, Oklahoma. Bo explained, “Representing my school and community means that I have to put my best foot forward, and do my best for the town that is on the front of my shirt.”
The person that Bo considers his biggest role model, has a special place in his heart. “My grandpa is my biggest role model in my life. He was the best man I have ever known. He showed up to most of my games, even when he was paralyzed.”
When asked what motivates him the most, Bo again looks towards his family. “I am motivated by my parents, and enjoy making them proud.”
Most student athletes have a teacher that stand out the most to them. Bo explained, “Mrs. Vore was my favorite teacher because she was so understanding, as well as being an overall great person.”
Asked what it has taken Bo to become successful in sports, Bo stated, “I am not the most gifted person, but obsession beats gifted every time.”
Many memories are made in high school sports. For Bo, that moment is an event in baseball. Bo stated, “The highlight of baseball is hosting a regional.”
In addition to playing baseball and football, Bo is involved with other extracurricular activities. “I am a member of student council, as well as a member of the Fellowship of Christian Athletes.”
After high school, Bo plans on continuing his education and attending college. Bo stated, “I plan to go play baseball at Northwestern Oklahoma State University, as well as obtain a degree from NWOSU.”